Instant Ready Meals
Ready Meals Packed Inside HealthyPack
From Factory to Shelves, from shelves to Freezer, from Freezer to Microwave, from microwave to table and back to freezer to ‘eat later’ makes ready meals packed inside HealthyPack one of the most effective form of packaging in the ready meal industry.
Whether Single or Multiple compartments, when coupled with assorted cooking technologies, more innovative types of HealthyPack Ready Meals can be created in the future.

Food Containers made from eco-friendly paper
Food in Pouch, Cook in Box
A revolutionary concept in the ready meal industry that provides maximum choice of mix and match your taste buds.
Wide selections of (A) + (B) > pour into box, microwave 2 mins > ready to serve.

(A) One pouch of Rice or Noodle + (B) One pouch of Gravy or sours

Both (A) and (B) are packed inside the HealthyPack

​Pour the contents into the HealthyPack.
Microwave for 2+-mins depending on the food type.
Serve from box
Back to freezer (if to eat later)
Advantage :
Optional to add Fresh Ingredients to cook at the same time (e.g.: an egg or sea food).
The inverted cover acts as a 2nd serving tray.